【5月22日】Steve Mann:What is speech and talk really like?




What is speech and talk really like?

主讲人:Steve Mann


时间:5月22日(周三)18:00 – 19:00 

地点:松江校区第五教学楼 5124


In this lecture Professor Mann from the University of Warwick will share some insights into the nature of spoken talk. Speech does not have sentences or full stops. It functions completely differently from written text, as it is much more interactive, open to real-time processing pressures, emergent and co-constructed. It has a unique grammar and lexis and there are distinct spoken genres too. The talk will summarise some of these major differences and encourage you to reflect on distinct feature of talk and interaction.

A great deal of education is dominated by written text and not enough attention is given to the nature of spoken discourse. We need to deal with spoken language better in education and Professor Mann will outline some key considerations. We may need to consider more creative and active ways of approaching what happens in classrooms to capture and support the dynamic and active nature of spoken language.

This talk provides a personal perspective on the real nature of talk and how it can best be taught. It will be wide-ranging and eclectic and will draw on his 40 years of experience of teaching English. You will learn more about key feature of spoken English such as ‘turn initial frequency’, ‘spoken genre’, markers of identity and social and cultural forces at play in talk contexts. It will also note how social messaging ‘apps’ are best treated as hybrid genres (combining features of written and spoken characteristics and with increased multimodality).

Professor Mann will also offer recommendations about the way we can harness the power of songs, speech recognition software and AI in learning and teaching spoken English.


Steve Mann (Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL) currently works in the Applied Linguistics Department at the University of Warwick. He previously lectured at both Aston University and the University of Birmingham. He has experience in Hong Kong, Japan and Europe in both English language teaching and teacher development. Steve supervises a research group of PhD students who are investigating teachers’ education and development. The group’s work considers aspects of teacher development, teacher beliefs and the development of knowledge, the first year of teaching, reflective practice, mentoring, blended learning, and the use of technology in teacher development. He has worked extensively with the British Council on teacher development projects at in-service and pre-service levels. He also produced a report for the British Council on teacher education and development challenges and opportunities during Covid-19. He has published widely on reflective practice, drama for language learning, reflexivity in research, video in CPD and qualitative methodology. His most recent work includes ‘The Research Interview: Reflexivity and Reflective Practice in Research Processes’ (Palgrave), ‘Reflective Practice in English Language Teaching: Research-Based Principles and Practices’ (Routledge) and ‘The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education’. His latest collaborative venture ws published in September 2023 and is a book with Laura Baecher and Cecilia Nobre on Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT.

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