



l  大会主题:“面向本土化与个性化的中国英语教学改革与研究”

l  分议题:英语教育政策与规划、英语教学改革、英语教学实践(含英语专业教学、大学英语教学、特殊用途英语教学、高职高专英语教学、中小学英语教学、网络、电大、函授等远程教学等)、课程设计与教材评估、二语习得、计算机辅助教学、双语教育、教师教育与发展、英语教学评估与测试


时 间:20141024-26日(23日报到)

地 点:南京大学

主 办:中国英语教学研究会

承 办:南京大学外国语学院

协 办:外语教学与研究出版社




l  主旨发言人:

Ken Hyland教授 (香港大学)

James Lantolf教授  (美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学)



l  工作坊:




l  专题研讨:




3) 二语学术写作能力发展 (主持人:南京大学徐昉博士)






2)英语语用教学模式研究 (主持人:南京大学陈新仁教授)






2) 中国英语写作教学重点问题研究(主持人:吉林大学战菊教授)








l  高层论坛:作为国际通用语的英语教学:机遇与挑战



l  参会形式:专题研讨(Symposium)、分组发言(Individual Paper)、论文展示(Poster)

Ø  专题研讨:每场专题研讨有2个小时的时间。专题研讨主持人可邀请5-10人参与,每场专题研讨需包括开场、论文宣读、讨论(可选择)、听众问答和总结等环节。除已经列出的专题外,欢迎组织其他专题研讨,作为主持人需要提交专题研讨的题目、简介和所含各个发言的摘要

Ø  分组发言:发言时长为20分钟,另有5分钟问答和点评时间。请提交发言题目和论文提要,中、英文均可。如提交中文提要,请同时提供英文标题,并为听会者提供英文提要或全文。

Ø  论文展示:请提交展示论文的题目和论文提要,中、英文均可。

l   论文提交要求:应包括题目(不超过20字)、提要(不超过250字)、收入大会日程手册的短提要(不超过50字);作者信息(包括姓名、职称、学历、工作单位、电子邮箱、手机);专题研讨除作者信息之外,则应包括题目(不超过20字)、研讨总提要(不超过350字)、收入大会日程手册的短提要(不超过75字)以及研讨中所有论文的题目(不超过20字)、提要(不超过250字)、短提要(不超过50字)。

l  提交方式:请在大会网站通过填写网络表单形式在线提交,大会官方网站http://www.celea.org.cn/2014。截止日期为20131231。 大会学术委员会将对提要匿名评审,并于2014 3 31 日前向通过评审的提要作者寄发邀请函。

l  论文择优发表:参会论文将择优在中国英语教学研究会会刊《中国应用语言学》期刊发表。


l  会务费:

Ø  国外参会者:180美元/

Ø  国内参会者:1200/人;2014430日前注册缴费享优惠会费标准1000/

Ø  中国英语教学研究会会员/承办单位参会者:800/

Ø  全日制在读研究生:600/


l  会议咨询:












The Seventh International Conference

on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China

Call for Papers


The 7th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China (ELT2014) will be held in Nanjing on October 23-26, 2014. The theme is “Localization and individuation: Reforms and research in China’s English language teaching.” The Organizing Committee invites proposals for presentations that are related to research, theory and practice in any area of ELT. Proposals may be for individual papers, posters and symposia.


Time:  October 23-26, 2014

Venue: Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu

Organized by: China English Language Education Association

Hosted by: Nanjing University

Co-hosted by: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press


Theme: Localization and Individuation: Reforms and Research in China’s English Language Teaching

Strands: all-level English teaching methods, all-level English teaching reforms, all-level English curriculum design, English for Specific Purposes, English for Academic Purposes, English teaching materials development, English testing, English as a global/international language, English as a lingua franca, world Englishes, cross-cultural/intercultural communication, etc.


Keynote speeches

1)     Ken Hyland  (The University of Hong Kong)

2)     James Lantolf  (Pennsylvania State University)

3)     Qiufang Wen (Beijing Foreign Studies University)

4)     Shouren Wang (Nanjing University)


1) Academic writing

2) L2 socio-cultural development

Forum—Teaching English as a Lingua FrancaOpportunities and Challenges

Five to six experts will be invited to discuss the issue on the stage and exchange views with the audience.

Symposia [with openings for more]

* L2 linguistic competence/identity development

1) L2 phonetic competence development (ChairProf. CHEN Hua, Nanjing University)

2) L2 oral interpretation competence development (ChairDr. WANG Wenyu, Nanjing University)

3) L2 academic writing competence development (ChairDr. XU Fang, Nanjing University)

4) Teaching ability development for students from teachers’ colleges (ChairProf. ZHENG Zhijin, Guizhou Normal University)

5) Short-term trainees’ identity research (ChairProf. LI Zhanzi, International Studies University PLA)

6) English majors’ thinking ability development and the teaching of English writing (ChairProf. QU Weiguo, Fudan University)

* Explorations in teaching/learning models

1) Research-intensive English learning model research (ChairProf. ZHANG Wenzhong, Nankai University)

2) Pragmatic approach to English teaching (ChairProf. CHEN Xinren, Nanjing University)

3) Cognitive linguistic approach to English classroom teaching(ChairProf. SU Xiaojun, Suzhou University)

4) English teaching models in China’s minority regions (Chair: Prof. LIU Chengyu, Southwest University)

5) Introducing L2 culture in English teaching (Chair: Prof. HE Gang, East China Normal University)

* Explorations in the teaching of core English courses

1) Research on the teaching of English vocabulary (Chair: Prof. WANG Wenbin, Ningbo University)

2) Key issues in English writing teaching in China (ChairProf. ZHAN Ju, Jilin University)

3) Research on the teaching of foreign literatures (Chair: Prof. HE Ning, Nanjing University)

* Research on English testing

Testing L2 pragmatic competence (Chair: Prof. DUAN Lingli, Sichuan International Studies University)

* Research on English teacher development and training

Pragmatic approach to training university English teachers (Chair: Prof. JIANG Zhanhao, Xi’an International Studies University)

* Developing and utilizing English teaching resources

Dictionaries and English teaching (Chair: Prof. WEI Xiangqing, Nanjing University)


Forms of Presentation
Individual Paper presentations

A block of 25 minutes will be designated for an individual paper presentation, in which 20 minutes are for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Poster Presentations
These can be a very effective way of presenting studies, whether completed projects or in progress, via visual presentation (using charts, graphs, tables, and explanatory text). Presenters will be allocated blocks of time for their posters to be on display, and specific blocks of time when they will be expected to be available at the poster display, in order to respond to questions from conference participants. Specific guidelines for posters will be provided upon acceptance.

Symposia can be allocated 2-hour blocks.
Each symposium consists of an introduction and a varying number of presentations plus discussion. The panel members may use their time as they wish, but organizers should reserve some of their allocated time for interaction between the panel members, and for extended audience response. Organizers of symposia must liaise on behalf of all their symposium participants with the congress program committee.

Working Languages
English and Chinese, preferably English.



Proposals for individual paper presentations and posters need to include a title (no more than 20 words) and an abstract (maximum 250 words) and a summary for inclusion in the conference programme (50 words maximum).

Proposals for new symposia need to include a title (no more than 20 words), a  general abstract (maximum of 350 words), also an overall summary for inclusion in the conference programme (75 words maximum), as well as titles (max 20 words), abstracts (max 250 words) and summaries (max 50 words) for each of the individual papers.

Deadline of Submission: December 31, 2013

Website for submitting proposals: http://www.celea.org.cn/2014

The academic committee will arrange blind reviews for the proposals and provide notification of acceptance around March 31, 2014.


Registration Fee

Overseas delegates: USD$180

Domestic delegates: RMB¥1200 (RMB¥1000 prior to April 30, 2014)

CELEA members/delegates from the host organization: RMB¥800

Full-time postgraduate students: RMB¥600

The on-line payment service will be available from March 1, 2014.



Conference websitehttp://www.celea.org.cn/2014

Conference mailboxelt2014@163.com

Tel Regarding proposal submission, registration and payment: 86-10-88819582LIU Xiangdong);86-10-88819033DING Xue):

Regarding programme, venue and accommodation, etc.: 13515111851HE He);13851575018ZHU Yeqiu


Organizing Committee

The 7th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China



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