

【课程英文名称】Advanced English II.1






【总学时数】  72       

【总学分数】  2

【教研室】 高级英语教研室

【执笔人】 陈汉生

【审核人】 刘焱

















重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Library Work

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Class Discussion


(二)Unit One English and American Concepts of Space


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; find out the meaning of proxemics from a dictionary of applied linguistics. What is the “public school” in Britain? Who are “middle-class Americans”?

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing


(三)       Unit Four Style and Purpose          


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; look up information on the following personages in an encyclopedia: Gertrude Stein; Noel Coward.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.


(四) Unit Six  How to Get Things Done   


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; look up the following proper names in an encyclopedia: Louis XIV; Antwerp.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.


() Unit Seven  The Aims of Education


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; look up the following proper names in an encyclopedia: Shakespeare; Moliere; Sophocles; Virgil.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.


(六)Unit Nine  Roots of Freedom


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; look up the following proper names in an encyclopedia: ancient Egypt; Babylon.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.


(七)Level 7 Unit Ten  Fear of Dearth


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; look up the following proper names in an encyclopedia: carrot and stick; hairshirt and bed of nail.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.


(八)Unit Fourteen  Reading the River


主要内容:pre-reading questions; lexical work; library work; textual analysis; exercise.

教学要求:Look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary; find out from an encyclopedia or a biographical dictionary how closely associated with the Mississippi River Mark Twain was.

重点、难点:Textual Analysis; Rhetoric.

其它教学环节(如实验、习题课、讨论课、其它实践活动):Exercises; Composition Writing.






《新编英语教程》第78. 李观仪主编. 上海外语教育出版社, 2006.

《综合教程》第78. 何兆熊主编. 上海外语教育出版社,2006.

A New English Course Level 7 & Level 8.

Blake, Kathryn A., and M.L. McBee. Essays. Glencoe, 1978.

Cooley, Thomas. The Norton Guide to Writing. London: Norton, 1992.

Galsworthy, John. The Forsyte Saga. New York: Charles Scribner’s, 1933.

James E. Miller, Jr. “The Maze of Many Tongues.” In Word, Self, Reality: The Rhetoric Of Imagination. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.s

Knoblauch, C.H., and Lil Brannon. Rhetorical Traditions and the Teaching of Writing. Boynton, 1991.





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